Social Media Marketing Photo Shoot at The Fair Oaks Mall - Picture of young mom holding coffee and a shopping bag

In a world where digital apps rule and trends change with every swipe, we get how crucial a successful social media campaign is. At Plush Marketing, we know that combining organic engagement with targeted paid ads is key. Our top strategies? Creating engaging custom content, strategically publishing posts, and zeroing in on specific audiences with advertising. With the right approach, social media can open up endless opportunities to grow your audience and boost your profits.

Engage Your Target Market on Multiple Platforms


Businesses of all sizes have experienced dramatic results from investments in Facebook marketing.


Demonstrate what makes you different from the competition. That’s how you make a customer for life.


TikTok is essential for any company looking to reach a young, energetic audience.


The second largest search engine after Google. YouTube is all about creating engaging content. NEW: Youtube Shorts!


Leverage Twitter’s massive marketing power with our team of experts.


Linkedin has more than 600 million professional profiles, which means unlimited connections opportunities.

Services to Pump Up Your Social Media Presence

Posting (Photos + Video clips)

Trying to come up with engaging, high-quality social media posts can quickly turn into a full-time job. Let us do the heavy lifting for your brand while you handle things IRL.


Stories are all the rage on Instagram, Facebook, and Snapchat. Our team can help you find the perfect balance between authenticity and professionalism so you can stand out from the competition.


Instagram’s “Reels” option is one of the best ways to engage with your current (and potential) target audience. We can help you design fully-interactive reels with multiple video clips, stickers, filters, and calls to action.

Tik Toks

Tik Tok is known for offering short, funny videos. But did you know that videos can last as long as 10 minutes? Let us help you harness the trends and establish your brand in this growing market.


Fostering engagement is the whole reason to invest in social media marketing in the first place. That said, engaging with your audience takes up a lot of time. Why not have a team you trust handle those messages, comments, and questions for you?

Page Monitoring and Responding

You can’t be on your phone 24/7 and still run your business. With our page monitoring and responding service, we can engage your audience within minutes of them reaching out.

Advertising / Promoting

Most social media platforms offer some form of paid advertising option. We can help you determine if doing so will be worth your while, then design and run your promotion on your behalf.


If you’re looking to make a big splash on one or more social media platforms, let Plush craft a fully-customized marketing campaign for you. We’ll have you competing with the biggest brands in no time.

Holidays / National Days / Seasonal Quarterly Guides

Every day is a holiday to someone. That means every day is another opportunity for a cleverly-worded social media post and a motivating call-to-action from your team at Plush Marketing.


The right plan of attack can make all the difference when you’re growing your brand via social media. We can create a tailor-made playbook to help you maximize results and minimize costs.

A’ La Carte Add-Ons

Looking to just “dip your toes” into the social media marketing waters? Reach out to our team and ask about our a’ la carte add-on options.

Custom Creations

Got an idea for a post, promotion, or service that you don’t see here? We can help bring it to (digital) life! Simply reach out to us for a free consolation.

Why Social Media Matters

At it’s heart, marketing is about getting your brand name, products, and services in front of as many eyes as possible. In the past, this was prohibitively expensive for smaller businesses – and they needed it the most!

Social media has “evened the playing field,” allowing brands of all sizes and types to get their message to the masses quickly, easily and efficiently. However, the sheer potential of the social media marketplace means they’re in for some stiff competition. It also means spending hours on posts, comments, and videos when you should be running your business.

That’s where Plush Marketing comes in. We have the experience and expertise necessary to help you achieve your social media marketing goals and promote your brand name, company or organization the right way.
There’s a virtually untapped audience waiting for you online. Let us help you reach out and say “hi.”
Ready to learn more about our Social Media Marketing services? Fill out the form below or Call (202) 683-6881.

3.6 Billion

The total number of social media users in the world.

7 Apps

The number of social media apps the average person uses per month.

95 minutes

The amount of time adults use social media per day.

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