Animation video often referred to, as an animated explainer video is a popular form of video production. The process of using animation can be cost effective if a video requires many locations or effects that would be hard to achieve on a video production budget. Animated videos are trendy options for startups, app companies, health care, associations and non-profits. We know the ins and outs of animation video and can create quality explainer videos to help convey your product or service to a worldwide audience.

Animated Explainer Videos Are Effective!

Promote a brand new marketing initiative with an animated explainer video for your website landing page. Videos decrease bounce rates on websites by 60% and increase overall engagement of web visitors. Explainer videos are effective for internal company training, to bring new employees up-to-speed quickly.

Healthcare Animation Video

Promote a new healthcare application or show patience how to signup and use your new online portal. Adding an animated explainer video to your sales landing page can increase the number of signups by 75%. Using video animation to explain “how to” do something is great for making complex topics easy to understand.

Get A Free Consultation

Contact us to view our animation video portfolio and to find out how PLUSH can help your company create an engaging animated video.

Send us a message below or if you prefer starting the conversation by phone then contact the Plush Marketing team today at (202) 683-6881 to get started!

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